Note: Please click on the session titles to download a copy of the available slides. Thank you.
November 6, 2023
- Improving Connected Health Services Through Standardization and Interoperability: Indonesia Experience
- Growing eHealth Expertise Knowledge and Skill (GEEKS) – Regional Experience Sharing in Applied Informatics Training
- Introduction to the Global Digital Health Certification Network Training
- From Data to Action: Approaches to Improve Data Quality and Use at Indonesian National and Sub-National Levels
- Efforts to Advance the Monitoring of National Health Financing
- National Strategy: Strengthening Routine Data Quality Assurance
- Technical Assistance: Enabling the Environment, Empowering Resource, and Sustain the Use of Data
- Towards Harmonized Data Quality Assurance
- Unlocking potential: Leveraging “Sehattami” for better data & decisions in Minimum Service Standard implementation
- AI for Health Insurance
- Digital Health Transformation Strategy 2025-2029 (Tony Blair Institute session)
- Health Data Governance: Taking Principles to Practice
November 7, 2023
- Welcome Remarks by Dr. Boonchai Kijsanayotin, Chair, Asia eHealth Information Network (no slides)
- Keynote Speech and Official Opening by BAPAK BUDI G. SADIKIN, Minister of Health, Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia (no slides)
- AeHIN Report by Mr. Jai Ganesh Udayasankaran, Executive Director, Asia eHealth Information Network
PLENARY SESSION 1: Putting Blueprints into Practice
- WHO’s Support to the Country Digital Health Transformation Journey
- India
- Indonesia
- Philippines
- Sri Lanka
PLENARY SESSION 2: Ensuring Digital Health for Better Outcomes (Indonesia Experience)
- Dialogues with Countries from Western Pacific Region
- Dialogue with countries from South and South – East Asia Region
PLENARY SESSION 3: Partners’ Session: Technical and Investment Support
- United Nations Children’s Funds Headquarters (UNICEF HQ)
- Digital Square at PATH
- Fondation Pierre Fabre (FPF)
- Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI)
- Clinton Health Access Initiative, Inc. (CHAI)
- World Health Organization Headquarters (WHO HQ)
- World Health Organization Western Pacific Regional Office (WHO WPRO) – (no slides)
- World Health Organization South-East Asia Regional Office (WHO SEARO)
- Patrick J. McGovern Foundation (PJMF)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH Headquarters (GIZ HQ)
- Transform Health
- World Bank/Joint Learning Network
- United States Agency for Development (USAID) Bureau for Global Health
- United Nations Children’s Funds East Asia and Pacific Regional Office (UNICEF EAPRO)
- United Nations Children’s Fund Regional Office for South Asia (UNICEF ROSA)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- HISP Centre
- Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Global Digital Health Innovation (JHSPH CGDHI)
- Health Level Seven International (HL7)
- NPO openEHR Japan
November 8, 2023
PLENARY SESSION 1: Interoperability Demonstration
PLENARY SESSION 2: Marketplace
PLENARY SESSION 3: Launch of Digital Health GAPS White Paper and GAPS Use Cases Presentation
PLENARY SESSION 4: Pre-launch of Digital Health Convergence Workshop Toolkit Version 1.2
PLENARY SESSION 5: AeHIN Business Meeting
- Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Global Digital Health Innovation (JHSPH CGDHI)
- HL7 International
- World Bank
PLENARY SESSION 6: AeHIN COIL featuring Satusehat
- From Vision to Reality: Advancing Digital Health for Improved Health Outcomes
- Implementing interoperability across national and sub-national levels: A practical approach
PLENARY SESSION 7: Jakarta’s Statement on Digital Health during AeHIN GM (no slides)
Closing Keynote by Prof. Alain Labrique, Director, Department of Digital Health & Innovation, Science Division, World Health Organization (no slides)